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A wife, mommy, teacher, and friend!

The kids and Jim

The kids and Jim

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Tree

Audrey sits among the trees
She was waving!
Happy baby!
Our little angel!
Daddy and the kiddo's
Mommy helping Audrey walk and showing her the needles of the tree.
Mommy and the boyz!
Jim's mom used to stick her tongue out like this!!! :-)
She is feeling the needles with her head!

We went to our normal Christmas Tree farm (Sunset Tree Farm) today. We got up early to go and packed up REALLY warm clothing. It's normally very cold there and sometimes raining. We stopped by Starbucks and got each of us a coffee. Brian ended up with a COLD carmel frappacino. He said he loved 'em!!! We got there and it was sunny and very warm. Jim was so hot he had to roll up his sleeves. 
The boys and Audrey sat on the gravel to pose for us. Then the boys went and got a saw and we were off. It seems like every year, we find the perfect Christmas tree and this was one of those wonderful years yet again. We always pick out more than one so that we can go pick which one we want. The kids always have so much fun picking out the Christmas tree because each year they get a chance to help out by cutting it down.
This year, Audrey loved the feel of the trees. While the boys were busy cutting the tree with the saw, she sat down beside one of them and kept trying to rub her head against the needles. She kept saying needles, needles. It was so adorable. She is also walking more with help. We love to hold her hands and help her along and you can just see the joy on her face when she is walking!
The boys got the tree cut down and we then went to strap it onto the top of the van. We got back to the van and the boys went inside to get some hot apple cider. They love going in there and looking around. The owners have other things there to for purchasing. We never get anything, but it is always fun looking. When Jim finished strapping the tree to the top of the van we were off. We stopped at McDonald's on the way home and got some breakfast! The boys loved it and had a wonderful day....we all had a wonderful day (so far). It's so much fun getting our Christmas tree with the family. It's up in the mountains and oh so much fun!!!
Today was such an awesome day.............We're gonna get busy decorating now. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Audrey is Hilarious....or so she thinks!

OK...so Audrey was eating her breakfast this morning and then wanted some Cheeto Puffs. This tends to be her most favorite snack. She loves to eat it after every meal. SOOOO.....she finished her breakfast and we put some Cheeto's in front of her. After eating them for a while, she decided she wanted more (even though there were plenty still in her bowl.) Jim told her she had to finish what she had. She got mad and threw some graham crackers on the floor that were also on her highchair. Well, we've had this problem before and asked her not to do it. Jim went up to her took her hand and asked if she wanted it smacked. She said, "Yes." So, he did it. He said is that what you really want and she said no. He told her again that he would smack her hand if she threw anything else on the floor. He stood up and she said......... "YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE." We all busted out laughing and then she said, "Audrey, you're hilarious." Of course, the you're killing me here comment was better than what she said the other day which was you're pissing me off. I don't have a clue where she got that one from!!! :-)
Anyway, her sense of humor has eclipsed all of her siblings by far. She has the best sense of humor I have ever seen or heard. We are always laughing at the things she does!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Audrey goes pee-pee

Today, while the boys and I were at church, Audrey went pee-pee in the potty. Daddy and I have to switch off taking the boys and going because Audrey is not yet old enough to sit in the sanctuary without making a lot of noise. We just don't feel comfortable leaving her with anyone we do not know.
So............I'm sitting in the sanctuary with Brian listening to our pastor talk about thankfulness when I get a text page from Jim saying that Audrey had went in the potty. RIGHT THERE.........I was thankful. Here is my little girl who cannot see anything. She can't see sitting on the toilet modeled or even how to go, but she is one smart cookie and figured it out and she went!!! I called as soon as I picked up Blake and we were headed home. I congratulated her and am so proud of her. I'm hoping she will pick it up and continue to go on the potty......one way down...one way to go. 
How thankful I am this holiday season for God and all of my wonderful family and friends. I know we wouldn't make it with all of you. YOU all are blessings to each and every one of us and we truly appreciate you. 
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My first post.....pondering thoughts

I'm sitting on the couch listening to my little girl who is almost 2 say there we go, there we go....wondering exactly what she is talking about. Not sure, but she is happy. She talks all the time and absolutely loves to sing. She also loves her older brothers with a love very strong. She learns everything at an amazing rate. We say a word to her once and she is repeating it (therefore, we must be careful of what we say! :-)
I'm also listening to the 3 wonderful men in my life out in the backyard working. They are all 3 working on planting new grass in our yard. Our old puppy tore the whole yard up and it's needed replanting for some time. It's fun to listen to all that is going on. Jim, explaining to the boys how it's done and then the boys thinking they have a better way. Then of course, there is the fighting that goes on between the 2 boys......ahhhh.......to be young again (NOT!!!) Jim also has bagpipe music playing, so it's nice to listen to it!!!
Audrey is now screaming for her water..............I better go make her some more before she gets too awful upset!................
I'm figuring this out, so will post pictures as I get it figured out!!!!!