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A wife, mommy, teacher, and friend!

The kids and Jim

The kids and Jim

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Time

I love Christmas.
It's the most special time of the year. Each year we are blessed by our friends, family, and each other in more ways than I can count. Each year we wonder where the money will come from for presents for our children and each year, our Christmas tree has more presents under it than we understand. I understand one thing for sure...GOD takes care of us each year. Our kids enjoy a wonderful Christmas (as do mommy and daddy) and we have God, our family, and our friends to thank for the most wonderful day. This Christmas was not different. We woke up and each one of us opened a present, one at a time, like we do each Christmas and were amazed at the generosity and giving of everyone we know. Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas special once again!! Audrey was done after about one present. Oh well, her birthday is just around the corner! Hopefully she will be more into it then!
The boys were very excited and couldn't wait to open their last present...Guitar Hero.....something they had wanted for months and months!!! They now are playing it almost everyday and getting better and better at it...they love it!!! Thank you Nana!!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too!

1 comment:

mi*chelle said...

I can't believe how big the boys are! Looks like you had a great Christmas.